

Bennett Sisters boxing, 1910-1915

Mini-Mock Trial Competitions

  • Some counties and regions have enough teams to have a Mini Mock Trial scrimmage before the case comes out 
  • If so, your team will need to decide whether to attend
    • Pros: Gain valuable experience, fun, low stress,  students get to try out various roles and learn what Mock Trial is about
    • Cons:  It can be a lot of work, can take time and energy from other things, costs money, and may require travel

Scrimmages with Other Schools

  • Excellent activity to do in the month before the regional tournament
  • Local, state or federal courthouse may make their courtrooms available and may even provide a judge for the event. Classrooms may also be available at local colleges or universities
  • Pros:
    • Forces the team to get their work done before the actual regional tournament
    • Identifies areas that need work
    • Helps build excitement, focus the students, and identify areas that need to be worked on
    • Helps create connections and encourage Mock Trial
  • Cons:
    • May give away case strategy
    • If the team is not ready, it may put too much stress on them

Scrimmages within your own Team

  • Requires two full sides or two separate full teams
  • Start at least several weeks before the regional competition – the sooner the better  
  • Check with the presiding judge at the local courthouse to see if you can do at least one scrimmage in a courtroom. A judge may be willing to volunteer to preside
  • Do at least one full dress rehearsal
  • Allows the team to fine tune their cases