Administrative Tasks
Administrative Tasks

“It isn’t necessary to imagine the world ending in fire or ice — there are two other possibilities: one is paperwork, and the other is nostalgia.” Frank Zappa, musician and song writer.
Attorney Coaches:
- Focus on what you do best!
- If you can, let others handle administrative matters!
- Delegate responsibility when possible!
Faculty Adviser
- Administrative:
- Tournament Registration
- Reserve location to practice
- Reserve school computers when needed
- Help arrange locations for scrimmages
- Help collect club dues
- Find location for Mock Trial bulletin board
- Create and obtain parent permission slips
- Arrange transportation
- Liaison with school administration
- Liaison with state and local Mock Trial sponsors
- Liaison with parent volunteers
- Assist with fund raising
- Help obtain needed supplies
- Help organize team potlucks
- Help organize final awards ceremony
- Other duties:
- Daily contact point for students at the school
- Teaching when attorney coach is not present
- Leading group team building exercises
- Recruitment
Club Officers
- President/Vice President:
- Register the club with the school
- Request funds from student government
- Lead membership recruitment efforts
- Help create a budget for the team
- Initiate fund raising efforts
- Help insure regular attendance
- Assist and advise other officers
- Lead meetings if the coach is unavailable
- Treasurer:
- Collect club dues
- Manage club account in conjunction with faculty adviser
- Secretary:
- Send out notices for meetings
- Create announcements for the school
- Line up coverage in school newspaper
- Make sure the club is in the yearbook
Team Captains
- Recommend two team captains per team, one for the prosecution/plaintiff and one for the defense
- Team captains should have prior Mock Trial experience in a variety of different roles
- Team Captains should also have strong leadership ability
- Primary responsibilities:
- Assist team members in completing their work on time
- Assist and provide instruction to individual team members when the coach is not available
- Co-ordinate the team attorneys and witnesses so that the overall case is consistent and the needed facts come in at trial
- Help motivate and guide team members